A Book Review of For Married Men Only by Tony Evans

Two wedding rings on an open Bible.

With the high number of divorces in this country, there is a great need for marriages to be strengthened. Thankfully, there are a number of individuals and organizations that work toward that goal. Sometimes though, just a short book with a few key principles can help people have a more godly view of their marriages. For men, one text that may be worth considering is For Married Men Only by Tony Evans.

A Book Review of Exegetical Fallacies by D. A. Carson

Tools being used in illogical ways. For example, someone is trying to use a wrench to put a nail into a piece of wood.

I believe the Word of God was recorded to be read, studied, and understood. However, if we are careless in our exegesis we can reach conclusions that are contrary to His will. Such outcomes should be humbling to those of us who teach the Bible, and avoided as much as possible. It was with these concerns in mind that I decided to read Exegetical Fallacies by D. A. Carson.

A Book Review of What Does the Bible Really Teach? by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society

A group of people studying the Bible together.

I will be the first to admit that the Bible can be challenging to understand. It takes effort and diligence to find what it teaches on many topics. Nearly all of them are discussed in a variety of sections of the Scriptures. Because of this, some may be interested to read What Does the Bible Really Teach? by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as a study aid.

A Book Review of The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History by A. Kenneth Curtis, J. Stephen Lang, and Randy Petersen

A Statue of Martin Luther from Dresden, Germany.

The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History seeks to accomplish a very difficult task. That is to provide a fair list of the 100 most important events in Christian history in just over 200 pages. They strive to provide an overview of events in the perplexing history of the people of God that will provide a convenient look at major contours and catalysts that have shaped Christianity.